02 Oct Make Me An Offer I Can’t Refuse
If you are a 1L student or are studying for the FYLSE you are probably sick and tired of hearing the ongoing struggle of Polly the plaintiff....
If you are a 1L student or are studying for the FYLSE you are probably sick and tired of hearing the ongoing struggle of Polly the plaintiff....
Mistake is a very commonly tested area on the FYLSE....
Contract essays can feel overwhelming and cause panic attacks in 1L's; but there is hope. ...
Contract fact patterns can pose many confusing and difficult to address substantive issues but if you have a road map you can go anywhere!...
Where would every good contract analysis be if there weren't those parties who constantly provided us with an anticipatory repudiation discussion?...
One of the hardest things in contracts is memorizing the various rules that apply to Common Law v. UCC contracts....
Its great when you read a fact pattern and can easily spot an issue but if you don't remember your road-map it may be the only issue you see and this can cost you dearly!...