Stop Studying Now

Stop Studying Now

If you are in law school you know that studying can become tedious.

The thought of sitting down to stare at another wizard tome for hours can make your skin crawl.  The thought or more multiple choice practice questions can make your stomach begin to turn in knots and the idea of writing another essay may make you want to begin pulling out your hair.  When you begin feeling like this it is time to STOP!

That’s right, I just told you to stop.  Put down your books, put down your outlines, throw your flashcards in a drawer, and close the tab on your computer for the CalBar website.  Stand up, shake off the oppression and depression of studying, and do something different.

If you found our site then this means you know there are other options out there to help you get through your 1L and the FYLSE.

Jam Out To Contracts

If you just cant get contracts to sink in no matter how much you read then try something different.  We have added a few fun videos we found on the internet that may help out a bit!  The song below, “This Form is Your Form” is one of my favorites.  I think I may have actually been singing this in my head in the FYLSE!

This YouTube video is a catchy way to remember your SOF in a fun way!

If you have children, you have probably been a slave to Frozen before this moment but I prefer this Frozen rendition!

Criminal Law

Even Criminal law can get you thinking about committing a crime at some point.  Take a break and enjoy the soothing sounds of a Capella!


Torts can sometime d rive you crazy.  There is so much to read on causation and duty it may leave your head spinning.  How about sitting down and watching some hilarity instead of reading!

I have no idea who made these videos and some of the information in them is not stated how I would have stated it but its still funny.

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