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LALI Bar Prep | What are the questions like?

For our LALI (Lolli) Bar Prep simulator we have questions that are licensed directly from the NCBE who supplies the actual questions for the General Bar. Every state uses the same ones so regardless of where you live, you will get appropriate questions. The custom questions are done in a similar style but more targeted toward topics that are tested more frequently (per the NCBE). This allows you to target your studying in areas that may need a little extra work. A sample question from the NCBE public website looks like this: (this is an actual question curtesy of the NCBE website NCBEX.org

Licensed MBE Question:
A man sued a railroad for personal injuries suffered when his car was struck by a train at an unguarded crossing. A major issue is whether the train sounded its whistle before arriving at the crossing. The railroad has offered the testimony of a resident who has lived near the crossing for 15 years. Although she was not present on the occasion in question, she will testify that, whenever she is home, the train always sounds its whistle before arriving at the crossing.

Is the resident’s testimony admissible?

(A) No, due to the resident’s lack of personal knowledge regarding the incident in question.

(B) No, because habit evidence is limited to the conduct of persons, not businesses.

(C) Yes, as evidence of a routine practice.

(D) Yes, as a summary of her present sense impressions.

This is a sample of one of our custom made questions:

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