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How is LALI Bar Prep different than other Exam Simulators?

In other simulators, you are offered features that you really don’t need or use but you are still paying for them. What we have done is streamlined our exam simulator and given you only and exactly what you need to get your best score. The best part, we don’t charge any more for additional tools. As we create them, they will be added to the program at no cost.

We have:

  1. Licensed NCBE Questions | Released questions from previous exams.
  2. Access to pre-made flash cards in each subject. We use common rule statements for each topic and make them avialble through Quizlet so you can always find them when you need them.
  3. Audio versions of terms and definitions for those who prefer an audio version.
  4. Glossary of all relevant terms.
  5. Anonymous ranking system to match your progress against other students in our program.
  6. Thousands of custom questions.
  7. Questions in both general categories as well as broken down by sub-topic according to the NCBE’s published fact sheet on rates of appearance of each.

Why we are unique

Based on the latest research in learning and improving outcomes, these are some of the reasons we choose to only show the explanation for the answer choice selected:

Benefits of Explaining All Answers:

Deeper understanding: Learners gain insights into why each answer is correct or incorrect, helping them identify common misconceptions and strengthen their knowledge.

Targeted feedback: Explanations offer specific reasons behind each answer, allowing learners to pinpoint areas needing improvement.

Reduced guessing: Understanding the flaws in incorrect answers makes learners less likely to rely on guessing when unsure.

Drawbacks of Explaining All Answers:

Overwhelming: Extensive explanations, especially for numerous choices, can overwhelm learners and distract from key concepts.

Confirmation bias: Learners might focus solely on confirming their initial choice instead of critically evaluating all options.

Increased complexity: Creating informative explanations for all choices requires more time and effort.

Benefits of Explaining Only the Correct Answer:

Simpler and concise: This approach focuses on delivering essential information, making it easier for learners to grasp key concepts.

Reduced cognitive load: Fewer details allow learners to concentrate on understanding the correct answer without being bombarded with additional information.

Encourages deeper analysis: Learners are forced to critically evaluate the answer choices themselves, potentially fostering deeper learning.

Drawbacks of Explaining Only the Correct Answer:

Limited learning opportunities: Learners might not fully grasp the reasoning behind incorrect answers, hindering their ability to identify and avoid similar mistakes in the future.

Less targeted feedback: Without explanations for incorrect choices, learners may lack specific guidance on areas needing improvement.

Potential for guessing: Learners unsure of the correct answer might resort to guessing without fully understanding the concepts involved.

Finding the Right Balance:

The best approach depends on several factors, including:
Learner level:
 Beginners might benefit from explanations for all choices, while advanced learners might need only the correct answer explained.
Question type: Complex questions or those with subtle distinctions between choices might benefit from more detailed explanations.

The above is a capsule of some of the data we have collected. Considering the learning objectives and desired outcomes our final choice is to bring you the best possible choice of formats for our simulator. We will monitor outcomes and re-evaluate our program periodically and if we find other ways to improve the experience, we will share them and make them available with you.

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